Captivate an audience of 525M+

Get Noticed By Millions of Individuals Across the World’s Most Respected Online Publications


Tap Into a Conversion Rate Multiplier

Align Your Brand w/ Industry Giants

Stand on the shoulders of GIANTS and leverage the trust and authority of highly respected publications to bolster your own conversion rates.

These publication provide “Third Party” validation and endorsement of your company, reinforcing positive public perception and to strengthening your brand’s credibility and value in the market, leading to higher conversion rates both on and offline.

Powerful Brand Positioning

Control the Narrative of your Brand

Take Back Control of Your Company’s Positioning and Tell the Story YOU Want Customers to Hear.

If you’re not controlling your brand’s “narrative”, your competitors are (directly or indirectly), and likely in a way that is unfavorable to your business.

Consumers want to ‘believe’, not just in the solution/product you offer, but in the story and brand behind that solution.

OutRANK the Competition With Powerful Backlinks

Authoritative BACKLINKS are the FUEL that Powers SEO

Each link a digital “vote” for your website. But, not all votes are created equal. Earning backlinks from trusted and authoritative publications can have a major impact on improving your visibility on Google. 

Did you know that over 87% of all purchase decisions (online and offline) begin with a Google search?

If your site isn’t on page ONE for the search terms buyers use to find your products or services, you’re losing out on up to 87% of new business.

Worse yet, those sales are going directly to your competition, virtually stealing your customers online.

Capitalize on Breaking News & Emerging Trends

Hijack Breaking News Stories and Ride the Wave of Industry Hot Topics to Maximize Exposure.


There’s never a dull moment in media. Take advantage of the ‘buzz’ in your industry and ride on the curtails of what’s trending NOW.

Our proprietary approach leverages the power of big data analysis to identify  emerging trends, breaking stories, and industry hot topics.

We then craft custom pitches tailored to these trending topics, positioning you and your company as the authoritative resource, voice, or solution to hot button topics and challenges.

Make Your PR Dollars Rate Go Further

Syndication Reach Over 525+ Million

Our distribution plans include publication and/or submission to 1750+ national and local media outlets, including: ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS, Associated Press, Yahoo, Google News, MSNBC, Business Insider, and more… 

GET YOUR STORY SENT TO: News sites, Journalists, Reporters, Radio Stations, Influencers, Media Networks, Newspapers, Editors, TV Stations, Magazines, Blogs, and more.


IMPACTFUL Press Releases, Full Feature Write Ups, and more

Break Through the "Noise"

1750+ Media Targets w/ a 525M+ Audience

Get the coverage YOU deserve and dominate digital real estate across a leading publications online.

Power-Up Your SEO & Authority Online

Expertly optimized content that enhances SEO and earns 1000s of POWERFUL backlinks.

Laser Focused Audience Targeting

From keywords and GEO-tagging, to industry-specific categories, get your release in front of the right audience.

Massive Brand Exposure

Increased Brand Recognition and Noteworthy BUZZ on DEMAND, with high-performance inbound marketing

Top-Tier Publisher Partnerships

Relationships with world-class news-desks, journalists, editors, reporters, bloggers and more.

A Leader in High-Performance PR

Get MORE from media and PR with a team focused on RESULTS not just fancy metrics.
BOOST Your Presence on Major Search Engines

Magnify Search Engine Visibility

Reach Journalists and Boost Downstream Coverage

Expand Reach Across Major Syndication Platforms

High Impact, High Value Publications

Get Noticed and Recognized on Leading Publications

Reach Key Market Players & Audiences

Financial and Business Titans

A Tool You Can't Miss Out On

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where Will My Story/Brand/Promotions be Published?

Each campaign is custom-tailored to your company/product and engineered to hit your most important KPIs. Targets that may prove beneficial for your goals might include TV, Radio, Digital Magazines, News, Major Media, Authority Websites and Platforms, online communities, podcasts and more.

Is This Service Good for SEO?

Is it good? IT'S GREAT!! A big part of modern SEO involves trust, credibility and authority signals. Combine that with powerful backlinks, and referral traffic fro the world's leading publishers and you have a winning SEO strategy that eats Google algorithm updates for lunch.

Can I See a List of Your Publishing Partners?

Absolutely! But be warned...its a big list. We work with thousands of publishers across a wide range of mediums to get your brand the exposure, attention, and notoriety it deserves.

Is There a Guarantee?

Campaigns can be structured to include several guarantees, including but not limited to placements/publications and live links. We win when you win, and our deals are always structured around YOUR success, not ours.

Do You Charge By Campaign or Retainer?

Why not both? Some clients hire us for a specific event they need promoted (like an election or product launch), while others prefer to retain us for ongoing campaigns that strategically align with targeted KPIs such as sales growth, expansions, seasonal promotions, SEO/backlinks, and more.

How Much Does This Cost?

Price can vary widely depending on campaign type, goals, and duration. That said, this type of 'all hands on deck' media campaign generally starts at $3750/campaign. If you need something highly impactful, but easier on the wallet, please check out our NewsWire page for more affordable media/news solutions.

Can I See Some Case Studies?

Umm, YES!! We LOVE showing off our clients' results. Its why we do what we do. You know, besides 'Fortune and Glory Kid' (Indiana Jones reference).


How Do I Get Started?

Click on any of the buttons on this page, drop us an email (, or give us a call at xxx-xxx-xxxx. We'll get you set up with an intake form or interview (your choice), and then its off to the races!

We're Ready. Are you?

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