Frequently asked question

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Common Questions

We're not your typical 'marketing' or 'digital' agency. Because of that, sometimes we get some pretty off-the-wall questions about what it is we do here.

The TLDR is that we focus on BUILDING/GROWING you a CAPTIVE audience, MONETIZING that audience, and OPTIMIZING conversion rates.

With a goal of establishing a 'captive' marketing channel you can extract VALUE from for months or years to come (without spending money on costly ads).

A: We are a unique digital marketing agency focused on viral promos, building captive audiences (that you can market to for years for free), and optimizing the conversion rates and cart sizes of purchases from those audiences.

A: For some of our services we post prices (i.e. Press and Media coverage). For other services, each campaign is so unique that we really can't quote without knowing more about your business and what you're hoping to accomplish.

That said, reach out. Our team loves working with brands of all sizes, and we don't bite (hard).

Virtual coffee/beer is on us 🙂  

You bet your A$$ we guarantee them!! 

We are proudly one of the only agencies that actually puts its hard-earned $$, along with our blood, sweat and tears behind everything we do.  Well, maybe not so much the blood part. Although Stacy did get a nosebleed once but I think it was the dry air.

Point is, you get what we put on the label or you get a 100% refund PLUS a bonus for wasting your time. 

And in the case of our 'pay for performance' campaigns, you ONLY pay for the results we produce. PERIOD.

A: We've worked with everything from local mom-and-pop joints, to budding entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies. Heck, we even helped a few companies get VC funding and one IPO (initial public offering on the stock market).

That said, if we think you wouldn't be a good fit, we'll tell you up front. The way our model works, we only 'win' when you do. So it only makes sense for us to work with brands/companies/influencers when we think we can make a big impact.

A: We're glad you asked 🙂 

Reaching out via our contact form is the best way to get in touch to discuss a project. 

Someone from our team will reach out with a calendar invite to set up a time to chat. And don't worry, we don't do 'hard sales'. If its a good fit, cool. If not, we'd still like to help get you free resources, or at least point you in the direction of something that's more in alignment with your needs.

A: Jesse (our fearless leader) put together this rag tag group of industry misfits on the island of 'lets do this'. 

He comes from a background rooted in science, both biological and technological, having spent most of his younger years in the 'lab' (actual and metaphorical). 

There he honed his ability to think critically, isolate problems, run single and multi-variant tests, and come up with experiments only he was bold (or crazy enough) to execute.

Today, he leverages his knowledge of data, AI, psychology, and the scientific method to develop innovative marketing strategies that exploit platform algorithms, and push the limits of what's possible online.Â